The territory

Nearby areas to visit

elow you can find a list of areas that you can visit and related information:

  • Pollino Park: distance from the perimeter 10 Km, 50 Km from the findings;
  • Lao Valley: 1 Km away from the river, 15 Km from the fjords;
  • Valle Argentino: distance from the river 12 Km, 20 Km from the woods;
  • Parco della Sila: 100 Km away from the perimeter, 120 Km from the findings;
  • Sea trips in Scalea: caves and cliff views and backdrops;
  • Tours of the Gulf of Policastro: Dino island, island of Cirencester etc;
  • Aeolian Islands Excursions: departing the port of Cetraro;
  • Rafting on the river Lao: downhill from Papasidero;

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